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Great Romania
„The Garden of the Mother of God”
the „patriarch” of Romanian Theology and Spirituality,
Father Dumitru Stăniloae
TIMIȘOARA, 1-4 October 2018
This international conference is organised by the Orthodox Archdiocese of Timisoara in partnership with international and local organisations: The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies Cambridge (www.iocs.cam.ac.uk), the Romanian Academy – Timisoara Branch, the Faculty of Letters, History and Theology of the West University Timisoara, and with the support of local state authorities. We are delighted to have as online media partner Pemptousia. The conference is intended to be both a celebration of the life and work of Fr Dumitru Staniloae, who passed to the Lord 25 years ago this year, and also to highlight, in this day and age, the need for theological education rooted in the spiritual reference points of Orthodox theology: biblical, ascetical, and mystical. Finally, the conference takes place in the year when Romania celebrates 100 years from the formation of the modern Romania, in 1918. The Orthodox faith has been a uniting force in the history of the Romanian people and in the shaping of its national and spiritual identity, something that this conference also aims to highlight.